Integrative Health Practitioner

Helping health-focused moms take back control of their body and health. Whether you're struggling with hormone imbalances, gut health issues, or just feeling overwhelmed, I offer personalized support to help you prioritize your well-being and embrace a life of wellness.

Ready to unlock your full potential? Let's chat!


Meet Presley Volk! 

Hi there, I’m Presley! I am a certified Integrative Health Practitioner and Mindset Coach that helps people discover the underlying root cause issues holding them back from living their most exceptional life.

For years I struggled with being overweight, chronic back & hip pain, thinning hair, and constipation. I was conditioned to believe this was normal.

Several years ago, my husband and I were SHOCKED to find out we were having twins. After a very hard pregnancy, with lots of nausea, tachycardia, and other “minor” health complications, I went into spontaneous labor at 32 weeks and 4 days. Our twins were born 23 hours later in an emergency c-section after being diagnosed with a life-threatening liver disease. I was in the hospital for a week, but my girls were there much longer. One twin stayed in the NICU for 29 days, the other had many complications, transferred to another hospital, surgery, and was finally released after 44 days. This was truly the best day of my life, having my little family of four all under one roof.

But Then Everything Changed...

This was all I had wanted and dreamed about, but I was still wondering why my pregnancy was so difficult, why did I develop this liver disease and why aren’t my doctors looking for answers? For the next year and a half I suffered from immense brain fog. I consistently felt overwhelmed by ordinary household tasks and my anxiety was at an all-time high. Again, I was led to believe that this was normal and part of the job of being a mom. I was told especially being a twin mom, of course I would feel overwhelmed, and anxious, everyone feels like this.

I didn’t want that to be my normal, I wanted to thrive being a mom, I wanted to enjoy my time with my girls while they were still so young. After months of research, I had a feeling something was wrong with my Thyroid, so I asked my primary care physician to check. When we got the bloodwork back, she said it looked fine and suggested I take an iron pill as my iron was slightly low. Again, allopathic care had failed me. Their answer was to write me a prescription and send me on my way. I never felt heard.

Enough was enough..


This time I had enough, I did a major deep dive into holistic and functional medicine and knew that I needed to keep seeking answers. I worked with a functional practitioner to run my full thyroid panel, hormone, and food sensitivity labs. I was clearly suffering from Hashimoto’s, with my TPO antibodies in the high 700s, Leaky Gut, adrenal fatigue, and many food sensitivities. I made the necessary dietary changes and worked on my mindset focusing on all that I am grateful for every day.

Going against the “conventional” way to health is not the most widely accepted path to take. However, it is becoming more popular because there are so many people out there who are in the same place I was… not feeling heard, being told “everything is fine” when your mind & body are telling you otherwise, and constantly being dismissed or just written another medication. 

I now want to help others who are suffering with no answers. You know your body best, you just need someone to listen to you, hear you, and help you fill in the blanks. As an Integrative Health Practitioner and Mindset Coach, I help people discover the underlying root cause and mindset issues holding them back from their most exceptional life.    

More about Presley

My husband and I met in collage at the University of Delaware. We were engaged in 2019 and had to cancel our Wedding in June of 2020, but decided to get married on our original date over Zoom in the dining room of our little apartment. No one was there but the two of us, it was the most perfect day! We now live in the suburbs of Philadelphia with our twin girls.

Are you ready to uncover your root cause issues and live your most exceptional life?